I started with TM in the 70s when it didn’t cost a fortune. Also went through Silva Mind Control in the same era. I’ve been off and on with meditation ever since. These days it’s a conglomeration of one or another mantra, quiet focus on breath in and out, or using sounds of a small stream on the Oak App on iOS or one I recorded. I suppose the stream sound would be a form of asmr sounds. When I’m regular with any of this, my sessions almost always end with the asmr sensation described on that wiki link. Cool. I never had a name for it, but it’s fucking magical!

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Hi Rich, I love your comments!! And thank you so much for your subscription/donation support!!! I appreciate it so much!!!

I mis-read that you started with TM when you were 70, LOL, fast reading, old eyes and not enough coffee.

I went through TM while I was in grad school and got a student discount so it was pretty affordable but I imagine in the 70's it was much more so!

Thank you so much for talking about your processes and how your meditation has changed over time!

ASMR truly is fucking magical, LOL! I encourage you to try some of the YouTube sessions. I prefer the ones with no voice. My BFF says he doesn't get the body tingles, so we are a few of the lucky ones!

I've started breath and mantra meditation again recently, it's super helpful. I had to take a year break after doing one hour a day for 3 years. I felt it stopped working and needed a reset.

Thank you again, so much, for sharing your experiences!!!

I haven't actually heard of Silva Mind Control!

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Silva kind of took TM to another level in some ways. Hard to describe, but it incorporated tapping deeply into intuition to improve your life/health and/or solve problems, memory tricks, mind meld-ish stuff, deep learning, and on and on. Some of it cool and practical stuff. The meditation part was mantra-like, using “deeper and deeper” rather than a typical mantra. It’s still around, and like TM is very expensive now.

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Oh that sounds very cool though I get so discouraged when I hear how expensive (and thus out of reach for most people) things that should be low-cost or accessible to the masses become.

Did you ever do Dhamma.org's Vipassana meditation retreat? It's FREE and amazing. Then if you benefited, you can donate. This keeps it accessible for all.

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Have not done that one. I don't think I need another method. Haha. Need to use the ones I already know.

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hahaha yeah you don't need another method!!

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How amazing that you’ve been doing this since you were 12! Thanks for all the options. Love the diversity.

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Yay! Thank you! I will start again when I return to Portugal. I will also add those journal prompts I sent you over WhatsApp.

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Such good info here! There's so much advice that says you should meditate, and I think people try it once or twice and decide it's not for them.

What's really important is calming your mind, and there are so many different ways to get there!

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Yes! Yay!!! And there’s no “one size fits all”. I think it’s really important to experiment and find out what works for you. Because otherwise, you’re right, people won’t stick with it.

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