Very interesting. Having lived in Germany for 3 years many years ago, I can relate. I love the differences. BTW…do you have a special receptacle for the ‘used’ TP??? That would curl my hair due to the potential ‘fragrances’ that permeate the walls. I’d constantly be emptying my trash!

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Hi Eileen! Hahaha, yes I put my used TP in the trash (lined with a bag) next to my toilet but I've been doing that for years, even in the US when I lived on a houseboat. At first it freaked me out so much but now I'm used to it and have never once had a problem with smells--even when I lived in a van! Do you miss living in Germany?

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Yes. We were there courtesy of the US military and loved it. Our jobs and family kept us here in the States once out of the military but we’d like to travel extensively once we retire. We are looking at going places for 6 weeks at a time to first see if we like being gone that long. When we go places it’s never been for more than two weeks at a time. Although it never used to be, Portugal is now definitely on the list of places to visit.

If you haven’t been to Germany, one quick suggestion. Going to Oktoberfest is a wild ride…if you’re not into incredible crowds, any of the local fests in any town during the year will give you the flavor of the big one but much more manageable.

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Hi Eileen! Six weeks of travel at a time is great! That’s what I used to do and it’s wonderful. Glad to hear Portugal is on your “maybe short” list now!

I have been to several places in Germany. Berlin is actually my top favorite European city of all, so far! I’m not a crowds person and I don’t drink alcohol so I’ve stayed away from Octoberfest but I am very interested in the Frankfurt book fair! It’s the biggest in the world!

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