Keep up the good work. If you are ever down in the Aljezur area look us up. We have a cool flower farm growing lavender, different varieties of proteas and ornamental eucalyptus.
Ooooo nice!!! Thank you Greg!!! That's amazing, a lavender farm!!! Do you like that area? I'm driving close in a week to stay with a friend on her farm in Lagos!!!
What a generous and kind person you are to share all this information, Kimberly! I will need to read this in detail again, as it is so full of useful information, but just sharing your income breakdown is already so helpful. I am recently single and now renting alone in Lisbon and need to work out my budget. I am mostly living off savings and some coaching income. What I would say in terms of living on a budget in Portugal is also that, if like me, you are into culture, there are actually a tone of cheap or even free cultural events here. And for people who are over 65 (I am not) there are a lot of free things, when you are an 65+ young resident. Most of my Portuguese friends live on budgets much smaller than mine (though most don't pay rent) and when we go our, we share dishes, we don't splash out and we still have a ton of fun.
Hi Liza!!! Thank you so much for your comment!!! I'm so happy I can help. Honestly, I subscribe to the concept of "paying it forward" and I had a mentor/friend who always shared her income streams in detail. Now--she was (and still is) earning several hundred thousand a year, so it was very different but I really appreciated it none-the-less.
I hope your recently single status is a good thing for you!
Lisbon is not cheap, as you know, but doable of course, and still cheaper than California and London (for example).
I didn't realize that so much opened up (for free) after age 65. I still have a few more years until I reach that as well but there are still plenty of free things to do here. I love going to parks for example. And the museums (sans Serralves) are not expensive. Movies are very affordable as is eating out (mostly).
But yes, the Portuguese friends I have (and the Brazilian friends) live on much MUCH less and they're making it work! I like to treat my friends when they'll let me but they insist on paying every other time, so we pick places that have a lunch special!!!
Thank you so much for your comment! I'm diversifying even more. I've had to stop teaching (or will be stopping) for a few months in order to reassess because it's not working for me. I'm barely earning and working far too much. I looking for some publications to write for but will also focus on querying for one of my novels after I finish creating my class. The issue with being freelance or having clients is things wax and wane and you can't count on them, which is difficult. I'd love to hear about your income streams if you're up to sharing!
I'm self-employed and work in content and marketing with one client, but I need more hours, so I'm looking at finding more clients, which is new to me and feels completely out of my comfort zone. I have a TEFL certificate, so I was thinking about tutoring but I'm not sure now as a few people have said the same as you about hours vs pay. So I'm exploring other business ideas as I like the idea of two or three different jobs but at the same time, it feels unpredictable. I love living abroad, but the job security is a negative as I know I'd be okay in the UK.
Hi, I relate! Being self-employed (me too) is tricky.
For me it's been feast or famine for most of my life, which gets old!
I hope you can find new clients, even if means moving out of your comfort zone!
Tutoring doesn't have to be done the way I did it. You can ask for more right out of the gate, I just didn't. But now that I have 29 students, I'm actually going to take a 3 month break and if I come back, I will have to raise my rates.
You do have to decide whether you can make it on what you're earning and earn more or move back.
For me, it's non-negotiable. I can't/won't (soul sucking) move back to the US so I have to find a way to make it work.
Your post was shown in my feed, I’ve read two of your pieces and am subscribing.
I love a budget too!
Also an ex pat from uk to france 🇫🇷 14 months ago not for dissimilar reasons to yours.
A totally different way of life, as someone said to me recently, “I hate consumerism but I do like nice things!” That’s definitely me but as you get into your mid life you find your desires for things shift, do you find that?
Anyway, here’s to being careful either way money so that your life can be more of what you want it to be 🥂
I hope you’re loving France. I know the UK is getting pricey and… some other things are happening too.
I can see that person’s point of view who said “I hate consumerism but like nice things”. I think there’s a balance and it’s also so subjective. For one person a nice “thing” car may be a Tesla whereas for me it’s something more practical and affordable. Another person’s nice thing may be caviar whereas mine may be a pomegranate (for real, LOL).
But yes my desire for things have shifted big time in mid+ life.
I think it’s great that this is happening, would you agree?
I’m so glad you found me! I subscribed and recommended you!
Right now my days are completely filled with work, which isn't working for me LOL. So I'm shifting and canceling all my classes and students for at least 3 months, maybe forever in order to claim my life back!
I do manage to drink a lot of tea each day which is comfort "food" for me.
I love that you got the sofas you've always wanted but couldn't afford. I did that in the US, three years before I left. I called it "my first big girl sofa" and I loved it almost more than I loved my dog, but not quite LOL! When I sold it, I cried! hahaha
Once I arrived in Portugal I wanted to keep things as minimal as possible and I still think I have too much stuff.
For example: I didn't have a kitchen table and convinced myself I needed one. I've never used it....
My ideal day is spending time with my dog, walking, exploring, meeting friends for coffee/lunch or dinner and writing. I have one friend who comes over and we cook together because she's also on a budget :)
I drink copious amounts of tea as well, I’m in desperate need of a fresh shipment when my husband next comes over he is on strict instructions to bring 10 boxes!
Gardening yes I do. I’m sitting in the sunshine just now, my dog is rolling around on his back in the overgrown grass & I’m starring at my veg patch that got eaten by white butterfly larvae in November.
As part of the renovation the garden will be getting a makeover too so this was a temporary potager that was still a lot of work & no bloody veggies have grown!
Hehe, it really was my first "real" sofa! I still miss it but not enough to stay in the US!
Ohhh what kind of tea does your husband bring??
Wow, that's amazing but I know gardening is a lot of work!! I'm sorry to hear about your vegetable patch and the larvae :(
I don't garden yet. I joke that I have a black thumb but it's just that I haven't learned how "not to kill" everything yet. I grow a lot of pathos because they're easy plants. I grew tomatoes once and that was easy. Oh and blackberries!!
I want to though. I dream of growing my own food and I have 2 good friends who have amazing gardens. One here in Portugal and the other on San Juan Island. I even helped her (the one on the Island) harvest garlic once. It was soooooooo fun but also quite difficult.
Clipper Tea bags - the absolute best! I can get small packs of individually wrapped clipper tea here in Leclerc supermarket but they don’t taste the same.
We have loads of renovation to do including in the garden. I am going to create a raised bed “potager” and my dream is to have a victorian style greenhouse too.
It’s starting to be spring like, not long now… I’m determined to snuffle out wild garlic, I’m sure I can find some somewhere!
Oh I haven't heard of Clipper but looked them up :)
Ooooo, I love to hear about your gardening! So far I'm trying not to kill a basil plant LMAO. A Victorian style greenhouse sounds AMAZING!!!
And wild garlic, YUM!!
Life in Portugal is good, thank you :) I really do love it here, even if I'm not sure I'll last "forever". I fear I'll be priced out in a few years but for now I'm enjoying it immensely!!
Awesome thanks for sharing. While I have spent considerable time overseas, it was with savings. When the money ran out, I'd go home, dreaming again about the next trip with the first paycheck. It's not sustainable. I think it's quite the challenge to financially make the move more permanent. Happy to see someone else make it out there and it inspires me to continue trying to crack the "code". All the best!
Hi Brian!!! I used to do that too but then I started researching ways to make it work and learned that most digital nomads are living on $2000 a month, which is how I was inspired to start my adventure. I regularly talk about living on less. I have a good friend living on $700 a month abroad and a friend of hers is living on $500 a month. It does mean slow travel for sure and usually countries in Asia or Central and South America but it can be done! I earn $500 a month by teaching English online.
Thank you so much Claire! It was actually my plan to have it finished, but it ended up taking longer than I anticipated. However, I am almost done with module two now, and I’m putting all of the lessons up as I finish them. Some require a lot more editing than others.
This was so informative. I am very grateful you shared all your fantastic information. I’m retired now but I have 3 children and many 30- ish friends who will benefit. There are many people who don’t earn mega bucks and feel they are bad people who some how failed. Thank you
Hi Betty! Thank you so much!!! I'm thrilled to know your friends may be able to benefit from my writing. And yes I agree re: the money thing. And others (like me) did earn "mega bucks" at one time or another throughout life but circumstances were such that it either wasn't ever enough or we had to spend it on some things we were overcharged for, like our health :(
It's so freeing to live in a culture where how much money you make, what your profession is, what car you drive, if you own or rent, doesn't define you!
Amazing! You have such a sweet and generous heart and deserve so much in return (both for your soul and your pocketbook)! So proud to call you my friend. 💗
Thank you so much hon!! I feel the exact same way about you!!!! I adore your friendship and feel lucky to have found you in Amy's nomad group so long ago!!! :) I just sent her an email to see how she's doing :)
Thanks for sharing and keeping your posts free. I figured that teaching ESL was the typical way to earn money abroad. Do you have a post that offers other ways? If not, maybe it'd be a good one to write about.
Hi Ororo, thank you so much for the feedback!!! I don't currently have a post that offers other ways to earn though I'm working on a lesson about that for my class and may be able to offer it here in the future. But there's another person who contacted me here and she plans to write one in the future! I'll share it when she does!! :)
LOL, the genre is PNR (paranormal romance) or monster romance. It's been around for a long time (ie: Dracula at the beginning, Twilight later, etc.) but unless it's something you normally read... Thanks Rich!!!
Love your transparency! Really insightful on TESL I didn’t realise the margins were quite so tight for something that definitely takes a lot of time. I am sure your class will be a great success your knowledge shared via Substack is so generous and helpful.
Thank you so much Lauren Margaret!! I appreciate your words!! Yeah, I've spent almost the entire day so far (8 hours) just creating new homework for 10 students. It really is exhausting and a time suck and not my passion :(
I'm so happy to know you are getting something out of my Substack articles, this is my passion!
As someone who started freelancing on Upwork many years ago as a side gig, I identified with the challenges and the incredibly low hourly wage you need to accept at the beginning in order to build credibility on the platform. Your grit and transparency are admirable! Keep up with the good work, Kimberly!
Thank you so much Caterina!!!!! I do know from past experience that when you start a business you have to work for free or very low pay for some time. I hope you're doing well on Upwork now!! I've considered both Upwork and Fiverr but then I get discouraged and don't move forward with either LOL.
Thank you for what you do. Perhaps putting links to your fiction books into your articles might generate more income and help spread awareness about you.
Hello and thank you so much for your comment! I have considered it on a few occasions but unless someone specifically reads smexy vampire and dragon romance, I'd rather not! LOLOL. Not even my mother knows my pen-name! I am working on a dystopian series that I would link to in the future :)
I could see that!!! Though when I earned 6 figures, she didn't think I was underpaid but now, I just did the math again and I'm earning €1 per hour for 40 hours of work a week so...
Keep up the good work. If you are ever down in the Aljezur area look us up. We have a cool flower farm growing lavender, different varieties of proteas and ornamental eucalyptus.
Ooooo nice!!! Thank you Greg!!! That's amazing, a lavender farm!!! Do you like that area? I'm driving close in a week to stay with a friend on her farm in Lagos!!!
We love it. As one of the travel blogs says, the Costa Vicentina has a laid back country surfer vibe. Great hiking trails on the Rota Vicentina
I love your honesty and transparency. It’s something surprisingly hard to find.
Hi Richard, thank you so much! I really do try but it's not always perfect LOLOL!!!
What a generous and kind person you are to share all this information, Kimberly! I will need to read this in detail again, as it is so full of useful information, but just sharing your income breakdown is already so helpful. I am recently single and now renting alone in Lisbon and need to work out my budget. I am mostly living off savings and some coaching income. What I would say in terms of living on a budget in Portugal is also that, if like me, you are into culture, there are actually a tone of cheap or even free cultural events here. And for people who are over 65 (I am not) there are a lot of free things, when you are an 65+ young resident. Most of my Portuguese friends live on budgets much smaller than mine (though most don't pay rent) and when we go our, we share dishes, we don't splash out and we still have a ton of fun.
Hi Liza!!! Thank you so much for your comment!!! I'm so happy I can help. Honestly, I subscribe to the concept of "paying it forward" and I had a mentor/friend who always shared her income streams in detail. Now--she was (and still is) earning several hundred thousand a year, so it was very different but I really appreciated it none-the-less.
I hope your recently single status is a good thing for you!
Lisbon is not cheap, as you know, but doable of course, and still cheaper than California and London (for example).
I didn't realize that so much opened up (for free) after age 65. I still have a few more years until I reach that as well but there are still plenty of free things to do here. I love going to parks for example. And the museums (sans Serralves) are not expensive. Movies are very affordable as is eating out (mostly).
But yes, the Portuguese friends I have (and the Brazilian friends) live on much MUCH less and they're making it work! I like to treat my friends when they'll let me but they insist on paying every other time, so we pick places that have a lunch special!!!
I look forward to chatting with you further!!!
Thank you for your transparency, I found this post fascinating as someone who is looking at my own income streams while living abroad 😀
Thank you so much for your comment! I'm diversifying even more. I've had to stop teaching (or will be stopping) for a few months in order to reassess because it's not working for me. I'm barely earning and working far too much. I looking for some publications to write for but will also focus on querying for one of my novels after I finish creating my class. The issue with being freelance or having clients is things wax and wane and you can't count on them, which is difficult. I'd love to hear about your income streams if you're up to sharing!
I'm self-employed and work in content and marketing with one client, but I need more hours, so I'm looking at finding more clients, which is new to me and feels completely out of my comfort zone. I have a TEFL certificate, so I was thinking about tutoring but I'm not sure now as a few people have said the same as you about hours vs pay. So I'm exploring other business ideas as I like the idea of two or three different jobs but at the same time, it feels unpredictable. I love living abroad, but the job security is a negative as I know I'd be okay in the UK.
Hi, I relate! Being self-employed (me too) is tricky.
For me it's been feast or famine for most of my life, which gets old!
I hope you can find new clients, even if means moving out of your comfort zone!
Tutoring doesn't have to be done the way I did it. You can ask for more right out of the gate, I just didn't. But now that I have 29 students, I'm actually going to take a 3 month break and if I come back, I will have to raise my rates.
You do have to decide whether you can make it on what you're earning and earn more or move back.
For me, it's non-negotiable. I can't/won't (soul sucking) move back to the US so I have to find a way to make it work.
I believe you can and will too!
Thanks so much for the positivity, it means a lot ❤️
Aw you're welcome!!! 🥰🥰
Hi Kimberly 👋🏼
Your post was shown in my feed, I’ve read two of your pieces and am subscribing.
I love a budget too!
Also an ex pat from uk to france 🇫🇷 14 months ago not for dissimilar reasons to yours.
A totally different way of life, as someone said to me recently, “I hate consumerism but I do like nice things!” That’s definitely me but as you get into your mid life you find your desires for things shift, do you find that?
Anyway, here’s to being careful either way money so that your life can be more of what you want it to be 🥂
Hi Lucy, thank you so much!! I love your moniker!
I hope you’re loving France. I know the UK is getting pricey and… some other things are happening too.
I can see that person’s point of view who said “I hate consumerism but like nice things”. I think there’s a balance and it’s also so subjective. For one person a nice “thing” car may be a Tesla whereas for me it’s something more practical and affordable. Another person’s nice thing may be caviar whereas mine may be a pomegranate (for real, LOL).
But yes my desire for things have shifted big time in mid+ life.
I think it’s great that this is happening, would you agree?
I’m so glad you found me! I subscribed and recommended you!
Thank you millions!
So kind of you I shall do likewise.
I’m currently walking with my dog on a chilly but blue skied Sunday morning, all I can hear above his excitable panting are the birds singing.
When I get back I’m going to have a gorgeous steaming hit cup of coffee & a bacon sandwich haha, I’m still English!
It’s beautiful here, the air is so clean & it’s peaceful.
My new purchase that will be arriving in a few weeks are two new sofa’s. The kind I’ve always wanted but couldn’t afford.
They’re replacing one that’s 20 years old.
It’s buying simply, occasionally but better.
Thank you for your reply I shall look forward to chatting with you more over the coming weeks & months.
What is S day like for you?
Hi Lucy, thank you so much for sharing your day!!
Right now my days are completely filled with work, which isn't working for me LOL. So I'm shifting and canceling all my classes and students for at least 3 months, maybe forever in order to claim my life back!
I do manage to drink a lot of tea each day which is comfort "food" for me.
I love that you got the sofas you've always wanted but couldn't afford. I did that in the US, three years before I left. I called it "my first big girl sofa" and I loved it almost more than I loved my dog, but not quite LOL! When I sold it, I cried! hahaha
Once I arrived in Portugal I wanted to keep things as minimal as possible and I still think I have too much stuff.
For example: I didn't have a kitchen table and convinced myself I needed one. I've never used it....
My ideal day is spending time with my dog, walking, exploring, meeting friends for coffee/lunch or dinner and writing. I have one friend who comes over and we cook together because she's also on a budget :)
I look forward to chatting with you more too!
Do you garden?
Hahaha big girl sofa that’s superb!
I drink copious amounts of tea as well, I’m in desperate need of a fresh shipment when my husband next comes over he is on strict instructions to bring 10 boxes!
Gardening yes I do. I’m sitting in the sunshine just now, my dog is rolling around on his back in the overgrown grass & I’m starring at my veg patch that got eaten by white butterfly larvae in November.
As part of the renovation the garden will be getting a makeover too so this was a temporary potager that was still a lot of work & no bloody veggies have grown!
And you?
Hehe, it really was my first "real" sofa! I still miss it but not enough to stay in the US!
Ohhh what kind of tea does your husband bring??
Wow, that's amazing but I know gardening is a lot of work!! I'm sorry to hear about your vegetable patch and the larvae :(
I don't garden yet. I joke that I have a black thumb but it's just that I haven't learned how "not to kill" everything yet. I grow a lot of pathos because they're easy plants. I grew tomatoes once and that was easy. Oh and blackberries!!
I want to though. I dream of growing my own food and I have 2 good friends who have amazing gardens. One here in Portugal and the other on San Juan Island. I even helped her (the one on the Island) harvest garlic once. It was soooooooo fun but also quite difficult.
Do you have to wait until Spring?
Clipper Tea bags - the absolute best! I can get small packs of individually wrapped clipper tea here in Leclerc supermarket but they don’t taste the same.
We have loads of renovation to do including in the garden. I am going to create a raised bed “potager” and my dream is to have a victorian style greenhouse too.
It’s starting to be spring like, not long now… I’m determined to snuffle out wild garlic, I’m sure I can find some somewhere!
How is life in Portugal?
Oh I haven't heard of Clipper but looked them up :)
Ooooo, I love to hear about your gardening! So far I'm trying not to kill a basil plant LMAO. A Victorian style greenhouse sounds AMAZING!!!
And wild garlic, YUM!!
Life in Portugal is good, thank you :) I really do love it here, even if I'm not sure I'll last "forever". I fear I'll be priced out in a few years but for now I'm enjoying it immensely!!
Awesome thanks for sharing. While I have spent considerable time overseas, it was with savings. When the money ran out, I'd go home, dreaming again about the next trip with the first paycheck. It's not sustainable. I think it's quite the challenge to financially make the move more permanent. Happy to see someone else make it out there and it inspires me to continue trying to crack the "code". All the best!
Hi Brian!!! I used to do that too but then I started researching ways to make it work and learned that most digital nomads are living on $2000 a month, which is how I was inspired to start my adventure. I regularly talk about living on less. I have a good friend living on $700 a month abroad and a friend of hers is living on $500 a month. It does mean slow travel for sure and usually countries in Asia or Central and South America but it can be done! I earn $500 a month by teaching English online.
Your class looks great!! Pre-selling it while you're still building is a good idea. I wish you all the best!
Thank you so much Claire! It was actually my plan to have it finished, but it ended up taking longer than I anticipated. However, I am almost done with module two now, and I’m putting all of the lessons up as I finish them. Some require a lot more editing than others.
This was so informative. I am very grateful you shared all your fantastic information. I’m retired now but I have 3 children and many 30- ish friends who will benefit. There are many people who don’t earn mega bucks and feel they are bad people who some how failed. Thank you
Hi Betty! Thank you so much!!! I'm thrilled to know your friends may be able to benefit from my writing. And yes I agree re: the money thing. And others (like me) did earn "mega bucks" at one time or another throughout life but circumstances were such that it either wasn't ever enough or we had to spend it on some things we were overcharged for, like our health :(
It's so freeing to live in a culture where how much money you make, what your profession is, what car you drive, if you own or rent, doesn't define you!
Amazing! You have such a sweet and generous heart and deserve so much in return (both for your soul and your pocketbook)! So proud to call you my friend. 💗
Thank you so much hon!! I feel the exact same way about you!!!! I adore your friendship and feel lucky to have found you in Amy's nomad group so long ago!!! :) I just sent her an email to see how she's doing :)
Thanks for sharing and keeping your posts free. I figured that teaching ESL was the typical way to earn money abroad. Do you have a post that offers other ways? If not, maybe it'd be a good one to write about.
Hi Ororo, thank you so much for the feedback!!! I don't currently have a post that offers other ways to earn though I'm working on a lesson about that for my class and may be able to offer it here in the future. But there's another person who contacted me here and she plans to write one in the future! I'll share it when she does!! :)
“smexy vampire and dragon romance” That’s a new genre to me! 😉 And I admire your broad and amazing efforts to make this all work! Good for you!
LOL, the genre is PNR (paranormal romance) or monster romance. It's been around for a long time (ie: Dracula at the beginning, Twilight later, etc.) but unless it's something you normally read... Thanks Rich!!!
Love your transparency! Really insightful on TESL I didn’t realise the margins were quite so tight for something that definitely takes a lot of time. I am sure your class will be a great success your knowledge shared via Substack is so generous and helpful.
Thank you so much Lauren Margaret!! I appreciate your words!! Yeah, I've spent almost the entire day so far (8 hours) just creating new homework for 10 students. It really is exhausting and a time suck and not my passion :(
I'm so happy to know you are getting something out of my Substack articles, this is my passion!
As someone who started freelancing on Upwork many years ago as a side gig, I identified with the challenges and the incredibly low hourly wage you need to accept at the beginning in order to build credibility on the platform. Your grit and transparency are admirable! Keep up with the good work, Kimberly!
Thank you so much Caterina!!!!! I do know from past experience that when you start a business you have to work for free or very low pay for some time. I hope you're doing well on Upwork now!! I've considered both Upwork and Fiverr but then I get discouraged and don't move forward with either LOL.
Thank you for what you do. Perhaps putting links to your fiction books into your articles might generate more income and help spread awareness about you.
Hello and thank you so much for your comment! I have considered it on a few occasions but unless someone specifically reads smexy vampire and dragon romance, I'd rather not! LOLOL. Not even my mother knows my pen-name! I am working on a dystopian series that I would link to in the future :)
Thank you for sharing. I admire your tenacity and wish you every success with your moving abroad programs. I enjoy your Substack articles!
Thank you soooooooooo much Catherine Anne!!!
That’s funny, I almost went to work for Preply!
You mean for the company or as a tutor?
As a product manager!
Oh WOW!!! My mother doesn’t understand the business model and keeps telling me to contact them directly and demand more money LMAO!!!!
It is a truth universally acknowledged that every mother believes their child is grossly underpaid.
I could see that!!! Though when I earned 6 figures, she didn't think I was underpaid but now, I just did the math again and I'm earning €1 per hour for 40 hours of work a week so...